In this video we take a look at how to get Blue incredible gems and the best ways of farming them along with which areas of the quest mode will drop them. 24-4 is the best I've used. Extreme Super Battle Road 31 - 40. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. . → UPDATED! *EVERY WAY* TO FARM DRAGON STONES IN 2023! | DBZ Dokkan BattleMrBaby's CUSTOM EZA Series PLAYLIST! OUR Journey To 100,. If you want xp and incredible gems it’s good, but if you only care about link levels 7-10 is the best with 8-9 being right behind it. Most people use their boost on. In total, stage 23. I'd sya yes, i can get something like 7 per run. Blue Dragon Stone. The blue pads in stage 23. 3 is better. These trials are only available for the difficulty of each level. The "?" gives 2 blue gems while the other give 1 each. What is the current best stage to farm incredible gems on? I’ve heard it was 24-7 I did a few runs and I only encountered pilaf one time. Theres no point farming green gems anymore. Add me on Dokkan: 776904787Green or blue : r/DBZDokkanBattle. including "Super Saiyan God SS Vegito [Rainbow]", the Awakening Medal required to Extreme Z-Awaken. In this video we take a look at how to get Incredible Gems (Blue) & Incredible Gems (Green) and the best ways of farming them along with which areas of the q. The Tier List; Mono Leaders; Top Leaders; Free Characters; Featured Gachas. 1 / 6. 8-9. ago 28-2. com Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Tous les forums Forum Dragon. For starters, each battle only has three Saibamen, so the. • 1 mo. been farming 21-1 and it only got me many red and blue gold capsule, never once did i see a purple gold. Exchange any treasure from Baba Shop once: x500. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Incredible Blue Gems Guide: Schnell und einfach Blue Gems farmen auf der besten Stage in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle ️Let's Play. Extreme Super Battle Road. Wind Boosts. There are only two ways to get Potara Medals in Dokkan Battle: Limited Baba’s Treasures shops. There are two types of currencies that you need to earn in the Dokkan Battle game. Skill Orbs obtained from Levels 5-7 can only be used on. 23. 1. God Stones (Special) 8th Anniversary. Been playing Glb for 3 years just starting JP now, using Unidokkan and auto win, to farm up all the stones from EZAs and dokkan Events, so I can get a fun starting account all the LRs. 55% lr phy super janemba 200% showcase (dbz:dokkan battle) r/dokkanbattle • server I found that has a section for the game and I figured it would help make discussion easierRemember when units would release without Dokkan events or leader skills?? r/DokkanBattleCommunity • My girlfriend did the last discount summon for me and BOOM as always she gets a goku black rift and gets me yhe new character. Incredible Gems (Green) x1. . The bot is made quite straightforwardly: The packet module handles the encryption of packet data as well as the authorisation. 6 posts, 3/23 1:58PM. 3 Sub EZAs + 5 BoG EZAs quick ATK and DEF calculations. What’s the best stage to farm incredible gems and link levels again? (edited by SUPER SAIYAN JIN) 0. Sorry I meant 27-3. 33. #MrBaby #RoadTo6kVideo Title: BEST WAYS TO FARM KEYS IN DOKKAN! 2021 ANNIVERSARY GUIDE! | DBZ Dokkan Battle⬇️ JOIN THE INFANTRY ELITE ⬇️- NEW EMOTES. Optimize your Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle experience. 28-2. 21. Supreme kai trials:to farm Incredible. g. Just that Super 17 loves to SA (only does that), so take a good team. Here are some tips: I found stage 23-5 to be the best solution with Pilaf and/or Launch appearing most of the runs. This is one of the most helpful threads on this page I'm trying to get the Awakening Medals for Vegito so I need a lot of Incredible Gems for them. The LR Schmo. bosshankwar • 1 min. Video Title: 2 *NEW* QUEST MODE STAGES ADDED TO AREA 28! *NEW* BLUE INCREDIBLE GEM REWARDS! (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)-----. @Naruhina2019 Unfortunately the fights that give incredible gems don't have stop signs so autoing won't go well for you. The new best stage for farming links with Auto Mode. Complete all Winter Exciting! Winter Missions (Daily Missions excluded): x2500. The Wall Standing Tall. . There are a huge variety of characters in the game, and all have different abilities and synergies. DBS BROLY! THE ULTIMATE RED ZONE! (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)-----. Training Locations. Naruhina2019 · 1/20/2022. Vote. Video Title: EASY Farming Guide for F2P LR Vegito Blue | DBZ: Dokkan BattleTIME STAMPS:0:00 Intro0:10 How to get COPIES of Vegito1:03 How to get the SUPREME. You get 6-8 per run 20 bookers555 Return To Monke! • 8 mo. G. Clear a stage in under 1 minutes and 30 seconds: x1000. 100k Zeni guaranteed u can even farm more zeni when fighting. . 3 and 21. 8 can drop anywhere between 1-2 incredible gems. 2. The total amount of Potara Medals that you can get from Supreme Kai’s Trials is 100. And green gems had a. Farm Gemme bleu sur le forum Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - 01-04-2023 17:18:59 - jeuxvideo. It is the best for auto. Better droprates than my previous fav, 26-6, AND with the same abillity to cut the stage short if need be. The Treasure Item "Incredible Gem (Blue)" can be obtained in "Quest Dokkan Story" starting from Area 28! Collect Incredible Gems (Blue) in "Quest Dokkan Story " and exchange them for items and [Mysterious Ritual] Elder Kai! * Please note that the merchandise available at Baba's Shop is subject to change without prior warning. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Darkwing3825 New User • Additional comment actions. Return To Monke! • 3 mo. You get like 3 gems per run. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. 3 Limited 40 times. JackTurnner • 1 min. High chance to get both Pilaf and Lunch. Blue Gems Farm What is the best level to farm Blue gems actually ? Baba's Treasures Baba's Shop Guide Incredible Gems (Green) Shop 2 RandomLitchi · 11/17/2022 You can farm them while you link level up in 28-2. I've released the code to hopefully give everyone an opportunity to more easily complete dokkan events. 2 (*) Additional Information. 1: max . the last stage is probably worst stage to farm gems. 28-2: The New Best Quest Stage. The middle lane is where Lunch and Pilaf always spawn and it can happen as close as three spaces from the start, and has only 14 spaces to the boss. 60 Limited 20 times. r/DokkanBattleCommunity. At the moment, 28-1 will get you about. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Browse. I've probably farmed around 30,000+ gems from this stage. 70 Items. Dokkan Festival: Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta; Dokkan Festival: Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta; Rising Dragon Carnival: Omega Shenron; Dokkan Festival: Tanabata (2023) Gachas. 2. (*) You can earn 1 additional DS when you complete all stages of the same level of difficulty. Each question mark is two gems so keep grinding and even if you don’t get over to that area it’s a good link level stage. 1K Share. 923 Items. Personally I use 26-5 cause it's a short linear path. Just started this game, managed to get the one I was hoping for from my free stones. Support. Pilaf and/or Launch can appear on left path. Ended up buying the blue DS pack only to end up being unable to decide who to get >. 2 comments. Entry tickets for the draw Entry Ticket 3. (*) You can earn 1 additional DS when you complete all stages of the same level of. Add a Comment. You first need to search for the specific macro using the search function. give me a new dokkanfest ui goku akatsuki. Xxn1njak1ll4rxX · 2/17/2021. Vote. 24-Hour Revival Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) 777 No limit. I've had good luck on 24-8 and 21-3. what is the best stage to farm link levels with the highest blue gem count in global? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like. 1. i think i found the best blue incredible gems stage on global. Pilaf and Launch can appear. In manual there's one of the last new released. Atomic1717 · 11/26/2022. • 6 days ago. 29-6 is another auto stage for Purple (or blue if you wish), and in a little while longer (Hopefully before saiyan day) you will get the abillity to exchange Purple to Green at will. kosakakawajiri • 1 min. 88. 93. 89% and . Not only that, the other earlier stages are way more auto friendly, where as 28-2 the auto has to pick. Super short stage. 💖 Code créateur: xorox ( Pour me soutenir gratuitement ) 💖🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻. rafrangofer • 6 yr. You can check character disambiguation page (s) to see if a farmable character can also. A New Event Is Coming Soon! (Updated) A new Extreme Z-Battle related to the movie will become available on 11/25 (Thu) PST! Mon 11/22/2021 12:00 am. ago. Why do they do no damage? I have their links, their hidden potential, their leader skills are accommodated for and their super. 83 Items. Extreme Super Battle Road 21 - 30. The NEW *BEST* Place to Farm Incredible Gems on Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle!This is By far the new easiest and fastest way to farm up incredible gems to use. It is actually random. • 26 days ago. 107. Would you look at me? I'm setting records. 122500. 129000. Shotlegend2200 • 8 mo. You can do 28-4 with the chance of getting up to 17 but you can risk only getting 1 if you don’t get the question mark path. Results may differ as it comes down to RNGGotta get those link levels up. Join. 23-5 is solid, but anyone with another suggestion, Id like to hear it. pages. Is 28-2 the best stage to grind blue gems? If so this is painful. I personally get the most success from 28-1 I get at least 5-9 every run. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. On Valguero there is a lot in the emerald forest :)Extreme Z-Awakening at the Treasure section in Baba's Shop! Start Date: 10/19/2022 5:00:00 PM PDT. 29-3 will be great for Green Gems once it's on Global. Current best spot to farm Green Gems. Extreme Z-Awakened. Exchange any treasure from Baba Shop 5 times: x1000. Level 4: Fighting Saibaiman on the map will drop x1. Treasure. Video Title: WHICH IS THE NEW BEST STAGE TO FARM LINKS ON GLOBAL? New Auto Mode Version Z | DBZ Dokkan BattleTwitch. Farm Super ATK; Top Cards. You get 77x drops there too, but I don't know if the chances on 29-3 are better. I forget the stage number, but I go with the second to last stage of the super 17 level, ambitious androids. God Impact (Extreme) Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage and greatly lowers the enemy's ATK. ago Which stage is good to farm blue gems ? : r/DokkanBattleCommunity 3 comments Best Add a Comment FTSX • 8 mo. Join. 20 Limited 15 times. BAKAYAROOO!!!Dokkan Wiki - Week 21 and 22 Developer Update. Nintendo 3DS FC: 4570-8696-0014 Switch: 3622-0621-0339 IGN: Sam. . So, what's the best stage to farm incredible gems? Need to get those 8 elder kais from the shop. In this video we take a look at how to get Incredible Gems (Blue) & Incredible Gems (Green) and the best ways of farming them along with which areas of the q. Video Title: What Stage is BEST for Farming Blue Incredible Gems? | DBZ: Dokkan Battle Subscribe:. POGFATHER88 · 4/11/2023. Back to Shop. 0. Dragon Stones and Zeni are the two most important forms of the gaming currency that you need to earn in the game. Scamco & angry dolphin (to be continued) 1 / 3. r/DokkanBattleCommunity • 24 days ago. The thing is. anyone know how to get these blue gems. kirby7374 6 years ago #1. . TITLE : THE BEST STAGE FOR INCREDIBLE GEMS AND LINK LEVELING! JP AND GLOBAL DOKKAN! (DBZ: DOKKAN BATTLE) TWITTER : Super ATK; Top Cards. Best. Join. 2. The enemies drop blue gems two. 1. Let me know what you guys think!Please like, subscribe, and share! Road to 100 SUBS FOR THE END OF 2023!!!Playlist to other Dokkan Discussions: run 29-6 six times at 25 ACT/STAM, five of those the boss dropped 2 blue gems, once they dropped 5 gems. 176. 84 Items. ALL POSTS. . Think that 18. Kvelarclay · 1/15/2023 in General. It used to be the Eighter and 17 Event, but the last stage will do. Fighter Entrusted with Allies' Wishes Super Saiyan God Goku; Greatest Instant Combat Power Born of Love Super Saiyan Vegeta; Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & WhisIn this video I take you through how to get F2P LR Vegito Blue from the dokkan quest modeVideo Title: BLUE INCREDIBLE GEMS + LR VEGITO BLUE SKILL ORBS! AREA 28 NEW STAGES (Dokkan Battle)-----. . Vote. (or at least the best mode auto for blue gems too) thanks for your replies !. Area 2: The Ultimate Life Form! Area 6: The Androids Attack! Area 7: Assault of the Saiyans! Area 17: Frieza's Menace! Area 23: Stop Cell's Perfect Form! Area 29: United Front! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and. 28-1 is the better for manual. INT Buuhan - SA10, have a dupe sitting in my box,.